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Mark's 101 Totally Awesome Photoshop Tips - In Photoshop CS
For Mac and PC - all project files included.
First of all, a bit about Mark Monciardini. Mark is a Photoshop guru who released a couple of advanced Photoshop training CDs from Photoshop version 5.5 to CS if you would like to know more about Mark visit his website. |
Now lets get rolling with the review on this Awesome DVD.
I think the DVD took me around 4-5 hours to go through it all. I did not keep track of time but since I work at night (and no I am not a vampire :P I just work more efficiently at night) you can easily loose track.I tried placing myself in the shoes of someone who is just starting out with Photoshop or someone who knows a little bit to call himself an intermediate PS user. I did not review this CD as an advanced user who knows practically most if not all the function of Photoshop CS.
To see the full list of tutorials check it here.
You can also check out a couple of sample videos from the DVD.
Beginning in Photoshop can be hard to a lot of people who really don't have time to read books or try to figure things out on their own. People will enjoy learning from this DVD and learning quickly the most common and hottest techniques used for commercial or for personal use.
Following Mark as he shows you exactly how its done is just a simple pleasure to learn, cracking jokes here and there while he teaches you how to accomplish certain effects or techniques was just plain FUN. The fun thing about watching how everything is done is if you missed a step or forgot how to do certain effect or technique you always have the dvd to directly check it out instead of flipping books and read it again (which I find a bit of a hassle for me anyway :) )
I would definitely recommend this DVD for anyone who is starting in Photoshop as you will learn quickly and efficiently the tricks and FX to get you rolling in creating some amazing work.
Only a small error when you click on "vignette photos" the tutorial is there but is under a different name instead of vignet.html check in the movies folders and click on vignette.mov and it should work :)
I would give this DVD a spanking 9.5/10
Great DVD by Mark, keep up the great work.