Photoshop to vector
Transforming a Photography in a drawing in photoshop
by - Pixeltool

One thing that I ever wanted to do is to draw a portrait. But, cause I really haven't that gift, I use the gift that I've simulating that beautiful portraits in a digital way.

Here is the way I do that:

1. First, we open the image (Thanks Eden-stock for this one! ) and clicking twice in the Background we transform it into a layer. Rename it, and call it "original". Duplicating the Layer, we create the "original copy" and duplicating again, the layer "original copy2".

2. Now, we need to set the layer "original copy2" to "Difference" with the 100% of opacity and later we apply a Gaussian Blur of 60 px. This may change: Bigger the image, more should be the blur. And now we make some color adjustment (to the layer) using "Hue/Saturation" > Hue: 0, Saturation: +50, Lightness: 0. At this point, weneed to merge the "original copy" and "original copy2". The image looks like the one that I show below:

3. We change the frontal color for this: C: 30%, M: 30%, Y: 30% and K: 0%. Now, we apply the filter "Neon Glow" with this values: Glow Size: 5, Glow Brightness:15 and the Glow Color with the same frontal color (C: 30%, M: 30%, Y: 30% y K: 0%).

4. To simulate the paper look, we need to apply the filter "Add noise" using: Amount: 5%, Distribution: Uniform and Monocromatic. Then, the filter "Texture" > Texturizer with: Texture: Sandstone, Scaling: 100%, Relief: 4, Light Direction: Top Right. Finally, we desature it: Adjust: Desaturate.

5. Now, we need to move the layer "original" over "original copy 2" (the one with the paper look) setting this to "Hard Light". We desature this > Adjust: Desaturate and add a Gaussian Blur of 2 or 3px. That's all!

Click me!
6. You can make some variations changing some things like the image's color:

Click me!
Well, that's all for now. Remember take some time to experience!

I hope you all have enjoyed this tutorial, God Bless!
Ok, that's it. Hope u all find useful this tutorial. Remember: Practice makes the Master... And practice, and practice and practice... For see more of my artworks, visit If you wanna send me a word, do it here.

PS: Tutorial written with the permission of the Author!