Chrome Text

1) Open a new document, grab the Horizontal Type Tool (T),
write a word bigger then 100 +pt
for better quality after your done
right click with your mouse on
the type layer and rasterize it.

2) Now Ctrl + click on the layer
to select it, go to the channel mode and create an alpha channel it will appear as an empty selection get the paint bucket tool and throw in the white color inside keeping the selection go to
Filter --> Blur --> Motion Blur
Settings 28 degree 24 distance.
Now you can hit ok go back to your layer and do a lightning effect (Filter --> Render --> Lightning Effects... on your word with the following settings.
3) Select the layer, check the transparency option then blurr it 2 times (Filter --> Blur--> Blur) then motion blur it with same settings 28 degree and 24 distance. Gaussian blur it
settings 0.8. Image --> Adjustments --> Curves check settings.
4) Duplicate layer and use the chrome filter (Filter --> Sketch --> Chrome settings= Detail 10 ; Smoothness=4) duplicate it 2 times. Filter --> Sharpen --> Unsharp Mask on the last duplicated layer of the chrome filter settings: 85;17;0 Layer blend on the original one, drop shadow: Blend Mode Color Dodge:75% ; Angle 120 degre; Distance=1; Size=6
5) Outer Glow Blend Mode Color Dodge 75%; Color White; Spread=0;
Size=38; Range=55

Thats it I have added a satin
Blend Mode Color Dodge=13%;
Angle=19; Distance=14; Size=29;
layer blend on the top chrome layer.